Moksha Yoga by Ron Dumas
In 1984 I was travelling to London and Amsterdam as a musical performance art outfit called the Attack Group. In the search for new experiences, I was always trying to top my last performance. It was a testing of the limits, getting more and more outrageous. Amid devastating realties, two swords entered my heart on 4/21/1984.
This situation led to self-evaluation and ultimately to the AA 12 steps. In 1996, after making direct action to make amends. A peculiar crown appeared in an astral vision. As the crown disappeared, a neighbor committed suicide. Suddenly I was shot in the head with the Hebrew letter Shin (Holy Spirit).
I entered the Merkaba and watched all history being reflected in the world. When the normal time returned, I could only discover new measures of pain. No picture could remain in my mind. The aftereffects lasted for years, until a thought could result in two weeks of pain. I was living in a confined space where I couldn’t practice the yoga that I discovered.
In December 2009, I remembered a Merkaba vision where the lower demons were possessing the lower belly. I expressed a desire to save the world. Suddenly a shapeshifter appeared in the small room. I thought in the direction of the pain. I was then transported by an interdimensional elevator to a deep gully where there was a swirling vortex of smoke. In the distance was a guardian angel like from a Chagall painting. I entered the vortex and then found myself back in the room with the shapeshifter. With the incredible pain I asked the shapeshifter to stop the pain, and the shapeshifter obliged. Then I asked for understanding and the return of lost objects. Feeling well, I banished the shapeshifter for fear of more contact creating bad karma. A vision occurred the next day, where in my small room, I saw the spirit of my grandmother (color) and the ghost of Aleister Crowley (black and white). My grandmother attached the crown to my head. Crowley stormed out saying, “I’m sick of this already.”
The result of the vortex contact was that the sword fell away from my body. Parasites were attached to the heart. At first it was euphoric, but it soon became quite frightening. In 2010 I saw my heart swirling like the vortex in strange color designs. Praying for deliverance an astral urn with magical symbols floated over my heart and ended the crisis.
The next day I suffered post traumatic stress, where I remembered the swirling plasma of my heart, and in anguish, out of my third eye, the plasma flew out far and wide. Then, cool kabbala snow fell from heaven and extinguished the flames.
All this time, I had a connection with a guardian angel, or oversoul. There was established a link to the secret chiefs that I referred to as the higher arcanum.
I started having visions of scrolls descending from heaven, while given magical codes and meaning. There were six scrolls in all. The fourth was for individuation and all the birds disappeared from Manhattan. John Lennon spoke to me on the astral plane, saying that this might work out alright, but I attempted suicide the next day, in fear of more scrolls. At the hospital the fifth scroll was teamwork, and I made a quick recovery.
The sixth scroll was a transformation of the heaven. Things were much improved with being able to visualize in my mind again; and able to reflect on my life and all that had happened. A friend showed me an article about Aleister Crowley Vision and Voice. It told the story of Crowley with a scribe and high priestess that were in the North African desert summoning the spirits by reciting the Aethyrs, December 1909. A shapeshifter appeared and enveloped Crowley. Crowley referred to the shapeshifter as Chronozon. The shapeshifter attacked the two others, penetrating against the consecrated circle. At the end of the article was a quotation from Crowley’s book Magick Without Tears which said that he who crosses the Abyss with the help of the Guardian Angel has achieved the grade of Master of the Temple.
In 2013 I moved into a larger space where I could practice my yoga. Since 2012 I had begun to count 3 weeks periods of time, where I would pray for forgiveness of all sins. Now I could also perform this yoga with 10 asanas, which linked Chakras, Chakra sounds, the Tree of Life, Archangels, planets, 10 worlds of Buddhism, and god names. I called this the yoga sutra.
I got a copy of Crowley’s Magick Without Tears. It was revelatory. I acquired all the implements of Magick: The Chalice, the knife and the pantacle. Crowley said the wand would be provided and sure enough there was a major storm where a tree had felled on my street. I found the perfect branch and sanctified it with Abramelin oil. Holy water was made according to the instructions in the Key of Solomon the King.
I was reading Eliphas Levi, Franz Bardon, Israel Regardie and the key of Solomon the king and the lesser key; I developed a magical system where the elements and manifestations occurred in four different directions, four god qualities, with four archangels presiding, and secret god names occurring based on the specific ceremony.
In 2018 I began to study yoga and meditation under the perennial wisdom of Paramahansa Yogananda. His system encompasses the 8 rungs of yoga as from Pantajali. I continued to do the yoga sutra after the Yogananda’s yoga and meditation.
I got a copy of Aleister Crowley’s Confessions. I was astounded that shortly before the book arrived, I had purchased Jupiter and Mercury oils and In the book, Crowley describes how he was going to perform Jupiter and Mercury magical ceremonies. In Confessions, Crowley said that Chronozon took him to a dark cavity where there was a vortex of dark smoke. It didn’t say whether Crowley went into the vortex. When Crowley was brought back to the desert, Chronozon needed to be alone with Crowley, and he was chased away by sanctified swords. In Confessions, Crowley said he sacrificed himself to Chronozon; just as I unveiled my pain to the shapeshifter.
I experimented in planetary magic using oils of the planet in the planetary hour. I was able to open channels to higher planes. In the lesser key of Solomon, certain editions, there is a part about Solomon’s Almadel Art. It is a way to communicate with Angels. I was surprised that the design so resembled my banishing ceremony. I expanded on it, as I believe the microcosmic (man) must be united with the macrocosmic (god). In my journeys, I astrally heard the name of an angel that was nearby. His name is Zephaniel. I found out he was the angel of communication. Zephaniel would always compliment me, calling me courageous. He introduced some very important spirits to my ceremonies. He introduced me to the omniscient voice and while I was reading the Koran, he introduced me to its author, the angel Gabriel, who speaks great truths with few words.
With the magical component of the Yoga Sutra, I changed the name to Moksha Yoga. Moksha is the Sanskrit word for liberation. In April 2024, I spent a weekend in silence. A few days later, I had a dream where I was shot by an “action shooter.” Then in my room I heard a woman’s voice whisper, “Do you have any imaginary friends?”
Moksha Working was a magical operation lasting 7 days. Using Moksha yoga, planetary magic and the 6 secret scrolls; it was meant to liberate and to open a spiritual channel to other dimensions. Encounters were made with Zephaniel, Gabriel, Jesus, John Lennon and the omniscient voice.
The omniscient voice said some very wise things, like that the greatest world problems are Nuclear and pollution. Also, the children are vacant, and their lives are meaningless. On the light side, he said that I should move to the south of France.
Since the Working, the Moksha yoga has been extremely effective. Exploring Elemental magic, the Hermetic wisdom of Franz Bardon has evolved where the Trolls are now children. The mermaids are women. The Salamanders are young men, and the Sylphs are the omniscient voice. Without the macrocosm the classical elementals emerge.
The days of the week are:
- Saturday – Day of the Lotus – Fire, Father, Om Mani Padma hum
- Sunday – Day of Birth and Resurrection – Water, Mother
- Monday – Day of Transformation – Earth, Daughter, Splendor, Nuit
- Tuesday – Day of Disunion/Individuation – Air, Son, Hadit
- Wednesday – Day of Epiphany – Spirit, Teamwork, Jesus
- Thursday – Day of Love – Zodiac, Universe, omniscient voice
- Friday – Day of Change – Death, first swirl completion and new beginning
Ron Dumas © 2025